18th Annual “Sis Riley Memorial Golf Tournament”
Benefiting the Charlie Riley Community Service Scholarship Foundation
DATE: Friday May 10, 2024 at Geneva Farms Golf Club
TIME: Registration starts at 9AM, Shot Gun Start at 10AM
COST: $125 per golfer (SOLD OUT)
- Captain’s Choice Tournament
- Hole in One Competition
- Longest Drive Competition
- Closest to the Pin
- Football Kicking Competition
Golfers Registration Includes:
- Golf with Cart
- On The Course Complimentary Hot Dogs, Beer, Water & Soda
- Dinner (Steak and Crab Cake)
- During the Dinner Award Ceremony Door Prizes Will Be Given Out
Mulligans, Powerball, String Putts and 50/50 will be available for purchase during the event.
We are currently seeking sponsors for all 18 holes and the putting green competition. Submit your sponsorship online or contact Chip Riley at 443-417-0013 if you are interested.
For more information email Chip Riley at firedup19@yahoo.com.